Come and listen to this very off the cuff chat I recorded when I was 38 weeks pregnant earlier in 2022. You can tell motherhood round #2 has knocked me, since I'm only getting around to this 8 months later hahaha.
In this episode I talk about how the path of ease is not always the path of your highest good. At some stage YOU need to take responsibility for the choices you make in your life.The instant gratification is not always the easiest or kindest option to yourself.
We are so full to the brim in our modern day lives, so overstimulated, filled with so much noise, that often we just want to take the easiest route. We want the easiest option, without realising that we’re not making it easier on ourself in the long run.
Discomfort & friction is safe. It is normal. It is ok.
Not every single element of our life must feel easy, for it to be aligned to our highest truth.
We don’t get what we want in life from just being agreeable, from only ever doing the easy thing. Life is not happening TO you, it happens FOR you.
Anytime you choose not to choose, you are choosing.And sometimes choosing the hard path in this moment, means you get to reap the benefits and rewards later.
Choosing to be uncomfortable for a moment, for a small amount of time, can allow you so much greater fulfilment and freedom later.I'd love to know if this lands for you.
My instagram has since been updated to @emilyis__ and you can find me and chat with me there.