When you're self employed, taking time away from your business can be challenging. But if you don't integrate rest and downtime into your business, you risk stress, exhaustion and even burnout.
In this episode Bo and Amy discuss the idea of taking breaks as a creative business owner. Bo speaks about the self funded creative sabbatical she's planning for 2022. They also speak about some of the community feedback from the past few episodes and Amy's dramatic u-turn on inbox management.
Find all the details about the Soul Traders retreat here: http://soultraders.net.au/retreat/
Amy's switched to multiple inboxes to manage her emails. This article by Andreas Klinger explains the system.
Bo recommends listening to Phil Wang on How to Fail by Elizabeth Day, WorkLife with Adam Grant, Helen Garner's lockdown dairies, 2021 on The Weekend Read, Who is Daniel Johns on Spotify and Delwyn Everard's podcast 'Running the Show'
Both Amy and Bo have been listening to Madeline Dore's podcast Routines and Ruts
Amy's been reading This One Wild and Precious Life and listening to The Guardian's Full Story podcast
Amy recommends following Penny Wong and Sean Doherty on Instagram.
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You can find Soul Traders online at soultraders.net.au and on Instagram as @soultraderspodcast Have a question? Just DM us, we love questions!
Intro music kindly provided by Lucy Peach. Production by Sound Mind.