Fear of stepping into your greatness
Look at fear and give thanks
Thanks for opening your eyes
Thanks for seeing where you are not free
The awareness of your limitations
Don’t let it hold you down
Don’t let fear freeze you
Don’t let it block your soul
For fear will take a grip
Fear will hold you in the familiar
Fear will cripple you with anxiety
Fear will stop you from living your purpose
Let it release from your body
Let it crumble in to pieces
Let it no longer be a part of you
Stand tall for all you love
Choose love and greatness
Step in to YOUR greatness
Don’t leave this life with emptiness
For you are an the love and light we all hope to be.
Never question your expansion
Never let anyone tell you your dreams are too big
Always stand for what you believe in
And cheer yourself on as you shed your old skin
I’m not saying its always easy
But once you have self love. awareness & belief
You are never alone, you always have a team
Don’t go back to things that have hurt you
Out of fear of being alone
Don’t go back to the pain of one sided attachments
Out of fear of being on you own
Guided by your heart and soul
Let the dead weight drop by your side
And find the light that is meant for you
Do not fear saying goodbye
For saying goodbye to yourself is the death of life
You have what it takes to let go of fear
You have what it takes to step in your power
You have all that you need within you
You just have to surrender and let in your higher power.
Remember this is not a rehearsal
Do you want to waste it on fear?
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