What would you do if you encountered a ghost? Anarchy Dreamers creator Emily Ree has a plan, and she's here hanging out with Amy and Pat Shand to talk ghosts, Kickstarter controversy, and the comics community.
Anarchy Dreamers: https://www.anarchydreamers.com/
Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/emilyree
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ree_emily
IG: https://www.instagram.com/ree_emily/
Website: https://www.emilyree.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/emilyree
The SPACE BETWEEN PODCAST is a comedy podcast with writers / married couple PAT SHAND and AMY SHAND. Every Tuesday at 2PM eastern on YouTube, Soundcloud, & the Podcast app.
Subscribe to SPACE BETWEEN for vlogs, podcasts, comics, and more.
Music written and performed by Amy Shand.
SOUNDCLOUD: @spacebetweenpod
TWITTER: twitter.com/spacebetweenent
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/SpaceBetweenEnt
INSTAGRAM: @SpaceBetweenEnt
PAT SHAND TWITTER: twitter.com/patshand
AMY SHAND TWITTER: twitter.com/songbirdddd_
AMY SHAND INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/songbirdddd_/
AMY SHAND BLOG: escapetoyourdolls.tumblr.com
AMY'S OTHER CHANNEL: www.youtube.com/channel/UCLuczeZ6Q5ZuFSWyExCbHaw
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