We weren't able to record an episode this week, but here are some meditation techniques to help you if you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or need encouragement.
1. One Breathe at a Time: Break- Stop take a break. Place both hands on your heart, and breath deep into your heart.
Recognize- Recognize the sensations throughout your body, acknowledging whatever is coming up for you.
Experience- Experience the emotions that are arising with a sense of acceptance in your heart.
Appreciate- Take a deep breath and recall a situation in which you were truly grateful. Connect to that deep state of appreciation and breathe into the gratitude allowing it to expand in your body. Transform- From that place of gratitude ask your heart, "what do I need to do in this situation?" Your heart knows. Listen to your intuition.
Heal- Follow your heart- take action in alignment with what you know is true. This will help you move forward and heal.
2. Affirmation Meditation:
Bring both hands over your heart. and connect to the natural flow of your breath.
As you feel the rhythm of your heart beating beneath your hand, begin to connect with what you love and appreciate most about yourself. Say to your self, "I love you, (your name."
From this place of self love, call your whole and brilliant Self forth by affirming who you want to be in this moment: " I am _____________ ( e.g., inspirational, courageous, beautiful, healthy, whole, brave...)
Notice any sensations that are arising in your body as you continue to acknowledge and call forth who you really are.
Continue to repeat one or multiple affirmations to yourself until they are integrated into your being.
Don't step in the shit!