Do you keep God's commandments? Better not answer that question too quickly with the "no" that you have heard so much from preachers and half-hearted professors of religion. Keeping God's commandments is connected with every blessing promised in the Word of God, and the Bible makes it very clear that it is the mark of a true born-again believer. It is not sinless perfection, or strictly obeying a list of rules like a Pharisee, but to order and arrange and conduct our life according to what we know God has designed, ordained, and commanded in his Word. It is to do it willingly, with a desire to do so, and to diligently seek to know and do the Will of God. Certainly, it is obvious that there are few people like this, and most are running from any knowledge of what God desires, knowing that it will conflict with their sin and their desires. Many will be in hell for eternity because they swallowed the devil's lie that keeping God's commandments is working for your salvation, but this is not works for salvation, it is the evidence of a new birth and a new man.