When Erasmo "Moe" Martinez and Jose Mikey Chacon, two dreamers of dreams, embark on a mission to build a platform to educate and empower local artists, they find themselves facing off against the formidable forces of a powerful industry.
Here's what Erasmo "Moe" Martinez, Jose Mikey Chacon and I cover:
1. How technology is democratizing creation and making it accessible to anyone.
2. How Cultivated Collective is helping artists to grow their brands and providing a platform for their work.
3. How Cultivated Collective is providing education to artists on how to set up their careers and track their success.
Erasmo "Moe" Martinez and Jose Mikey Chacon are the co-founders of Cultivated Collective, a company that helps artists to grow their brands through events, music, art, and social media. They are passionate about providing an accessible platform for local artists to create and share their work.