This week is a special episode of Starting Out for me. You may not know him for his standup, but the impact he had on me is huge. He actually started the infamous Comedy at Ceili House in Hamilton, it’s Mr. Isi Commisso. Isi is a sensitive, emotional, bloated, Italian male comic - I have no idea why he resonates with me so much…
I know there’s been a lot of nostalgia on this podcast before, but this one takes the cake, as we talk about the horrors of hosting that little, ugly yet beautiful room for many years. There’s so much talk about the Hamilton scene - Gavin, Manolis, Mayce, Pat, Moses, Anthony, Zeus, Jordans, Devin, and so many more. Isi talks about leaving standup to work in dispensaries both before and after legalization, and how COVID really got in the way of his return back to standup. I really loved catching up with my comedy brother. Thanks for listening.
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Music by @debateson
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