Jill Leyland represents the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) on the UK National Statistician’s
“Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices – Stakeholder”. Together with John Astin she wrote the
2015 paper “Towards a Household Inflation Index” (since updated) which the ONS used as a
starting point for the development of the Household Costs Indices. From 2009 to 2012 she
was a Vice President of the RSS. She chaired its committee which developed RSS policy
towards official statistics from 2008 to 2012 and its organising committee for the Excellence
in Official Statistics Award from 2010 to 2016. Jill was awarded the Society’s West Medal for
services to Official Statistics in 2018. She has been an Expert Witness on inflation
measurement and is a Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists. In the past she
worked, among other organisations, for the World Gold Council, the OECD, the Economist
Intelligence Unit and the Government Statistical Service.