A Confessional poem that reveals the Author’s inner reality as she faces feelings of insecurity, defeat, and fear on her journey of awakening to the truth that her circumstances were only happening to expand her consciousness. Rebirth dives deep into the perspective of someone who is overwhelmed by grief and has let their “pain body”conquer their physical body. The metaphorical tone of the poem implies that the content of one’s thoughts can be compared to that of planting seeds, of a tree perhaps, and that we have the power to decide; what those seeds represent, whether or not the rain is meant for growth, or if the darkness means lack of sunshine or simply that we are failing to see it. Rebirth embodies pain, truth and revelation. ~Pain body is mentioned in Eckhart Tolle’s book, A New Earth and is described as adopting a perception of thinking that is heavily controlled by stagnant, unprocessed emotional pain and negative thoughts that are in desperate need of release. If you or someone you know are experiencing this truth,try using the following tip for releasing: Compassionately observe your “pain body” when it arises and ask yourself, “Why am I upset?”, journal your answers truthfully without looking outside for an explanation and as you reflect on what you’ve written, inhale love and exhale fear.