If you are a loose leaf tea veteran, this week's show is probably not for you, because it is a very basic introduction to loose leaf tea, something that I've wanted to sit down and do for some time. All too often, I find someone who is interested in tea or already loves tea , and upon giving them a sample of loose leaf tea from my massive tea collection, I get this blank stare that clearly says I have NO idea what to do with this. Leaving typical teabags behind can seem daunting from the outside, but it's much simpler than it looks, and very worth the transition, so this episode if for anyone who wants to know more about the basics of making loose leaf tea. If you're already an expert and you receive that same blank stare from your friends and co-workers, share this video with the people who might benefit from a (hopefully) straightforward crash course on the basics. Keep in mind that this is simply the talk that I typically give to a tea novice, and the advice is based largely on my own opinion and my own experiences. It's also simplified for a tea beginner, and I sincerely apologize for the glare on my glasses, but it went so well on the first take that I simply balked at the idea of filming it again with better aligned lighting. This will have to do. :) Host - Brandice For further talk of tea and further advice on that tastiest beverages, please visit STeaPtv.com and browse our past episodes, or interact with other fans at our tea-chatty STeaP community.