We are so excited to bring y’all this new episode Wednesday featuring Shaunise Day, a passionate advocate for the Steno community just in time for the Fearless Stenographers Conference! Tune in on your way to the conference, and even if you aren’t attending, Shaunise gives highlights of what the conference is all about as well as her take on why being an advocate for the profession is so important to her! Shaunise Day, steno advocate and pillar in the steno community was born and raised in Oakland, California. After some trials and tribulations on her steno journey, Shaunise decided to take on leadership roles within the court reporting and captioning profession. Shaunise is the founder of Steno in the City and host of the Confessions of a Stenographer podcast. She also serves on numerous boards and committees and has been a speaker at many association conventions. Shaunise continues to promote the court reporting profession through her numerous projects including the Fearless Stenographers Conference!