*Warning: This podcast may contain graphic & triggering content. Please listen at your own risk. Please reach out to a certified medical professional if you need help.*
Here to Stomp the Stigma today is Kim Toller. Last week I had her sister, Joanne, on to talk about the trauma and healing journey after losing her daughter. This week I got to talk to Kim about the same thing - the trauma and healing journey after losing her niece.
Even though the two experienced the loss of the same loved one, their healing journeys, mental health, and coping process were very different. In this episode we get to talk about Kim’s anxiety, how it changed after experiencing Taylor’s death, and the stigma around how you “should” react to death.
Stomp the Stigma is focused on the mental health aspect but if you would like to hear more about the case you can check it out on Kim’s true crime podcast, A Million Other Choices.
If you have more questions or would like to reach out to Kim, you can contact her at [email protected] or @amillionotherchoices on social.
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