Anna Barwick is an award-winning pharmacist and entrepreneur. Her innovative new business PharmOnline was brought to life at the beginning of the COVID lockdowns to help people remotely access the advice and services of pharmacists. As well as running the business, she is also conducting research into how telehealth services such as PharmOnline are accessed by communities, which forms part of her PhD research being conducted at the University of New England.
She was just announced as one of this year’s Superstars of STEM; a role in which she will engage with communities and encourage more young people from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in STEM. In this interview we chat about what the role of a pharmacist is, how it fits in to the health care industry, and what the future of pharmacy in Australia looks like. We also talk about the different career paths available to Pharmacy graduates, and how this is changing with advances in technology and the growing demands on the health care industry.