In this episode of "Burrow Buddies: A Tale of Engineering," Pip, Pop, and Pete, the industrious prairie dogs, face their fiercest challenge yet - a cunning black-footed ferret that is determined to invade their burrow. After using their problem-solving skills and the engineering design process to construct what they believe is a ferret-proof burrow, they are put to the test when the ferret makes its move. The little prairie dogs must use their creativity, planning, and engineering expertise to outwit the ferret and protect their community. As the ferret digs and tunnels its way closer, Pip, Pop, and Pete must quickly adapt and make improvements to their burrow design, creating a thrilling race against time to keep the ferret at bay. Will their engineering skills be enough to outsmart the ferret and keep their burrow safe? Find out in this action-packed episode of "Burrow Buddies: A Tale of Engineering"
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