Building up the house: in-school student oversight with Gabriella Carbone
Student Success Podcast No. 20, Sept 4, 2014 (recorded July 11, 2014)
Today’s Guest: Gabriella Carbone.
In this interview, Gabriella discusses her Academic Coaching work with high school student athletes during the 2013/14 school year. Focusing on athletes, Gabriella helped them track work, build executive function and interpersonal skills. She served as their counselor, mentor, advocate and friend.
Gabriella highlights key contributing pieces of student success, including:
building student ownership
parental involvement
teacher and counselor inputs
what success looks like
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Guest Biography:
Gabriella is currently Librarian and Religion teacher at Archbishop Carroll High School in Washington, DC. Her student coaching program was part of her graduate studies with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. She graduated from Providence College, Rhode Island with a degree in Public and Community Service.
Topics Discussed
How to mentoring students
Building academic accountability
How to approach teachers
Working with teachers and counselors
Advice for parents
Advice for teachers
See below for detailed Show Notes.
Providence College
Providence College Feinstein Institute for Public Service
Jesuit Volunteer Corps
Host: Michael L. Bromley
Original Music by Christopher Bromley (copyright 2011-2014) Background snoring by Stella.
Best Dogs Ever: by Puck, Stella, & Artemis
Just a little snore from Stella in this episode, otherwise she, Puck and Artemis listened in happily!
Puck & Artemis on the hunt: sniffing out a bird!
Here for Puck & Stella slideshow
The A+ Club from LLC, based in Arlington, VA, is dedicated to helping students across the U.S.A. meet their goals and find the academic success the want and deserve. Contact us here or call now to (703) 271-5334 to see how we can help.
worked as mentor and ran community service while in college
job last year was to hold athletes accountable for their academic success
prior work was with middle school students
organized volunteer tutors, had someone every day… work on h/w and have some fun, spend time w/ them and talk about why school important
how to establish a relationship as a mentor not as authority figure
our A+ Club program works w/ students as agents on their behalf, their advocates for their own goals, which we want them to express
agree: get on their level and get them to reach out to their potential
what is academic accountability?
we checked their grades every two weeks
focused on failures and why
tried to develop a partnership w/ teachers, counselors and students for holding them accountable
accountability = ” to speak”
(my Stella snoring now… )
have kids “account” for themselves
then scaffold processes for improvement
students improved and teachers responded well
athletes were coming to them a lot more
one teacher asked her to work w/ all students b/c only athletes were coming for help!
could go through hallways after school and see them w/ their teachers
reminded the kids that they were improving
so important to communicate success
most athletic academic oversight is proforma, coaches don’t have time, they don’t understand… great to have a person focused on it
What did not work, what struggles?
GPA were still below new NCAA standards
and kids who improved fell back on that improvement and didn’t continue to improve
brining up from Fs, they relaxes
hard to get them not to settle for less
still trying to figure that piece out
tried different accountability measures: could have been more consistent
difficult to bring all parties on board, coaches, teachers, parents, students
so many snow days were dif[...]