The Super Halo Bros. are once again joined by Daniel Garcia, one of the minds behind @halo_haven, the voice of the All Angels Podcast, and soon-to-be new host of Locked On Angels! As the MLB Lockout keeps movement from happening in the majors, we do have newsworthy minor league talk, including Keith Law's Top 100 MLB prospects with appearances from Reid Detmers and Sam Bachman, ranking the Angels the 29th farm system out of 30 (yikes), and Keith's Top 20 Angels prospects. Daniel and the Bros. respond to these rankings and share their thoughts on what this means for our beloved team. (4:39) Then, Jeff Passan of ESPN reported that the MLB owners pitched the idea of eliminating minor league positions from 150 to 120. Mike thinks it makes sense, Jon thinks it's nonsense! (19:38) In more minor league news, Evan Drellich of The Athletic reported that MLB argued against paying players for their time in Spring Training, essentially arguing that players are paid "in experience," and Jon has a few thoughts about that. (26:09) Minor league players have been extra vocal about their seasonal wages and how the "Save America's Past Time" act passed by Congress cut them out of receiving federal minimum wage and the rules about overtime pay, and Daniel and the brothers discuss the perils of not making money for all the work the players put in. (36:25) The Eric Kay trial regarding the passing of Tyler Skaggs has brought some interesting facts to light, as it was revealed just how much the subject of addiction has permeated the game and the clubhouse culture, as Matt Harvey, Mike Morin, Cam Bedrosian, and CJ Cron testified to in the trial this week. **This segment contains discussions about addiction, and if this is a sensitive topic for you personally, please feel free to skip** (47:46) Finally, with Mr. National, Ryan Zimmerman, retiring after a 19-year career, the guys discuss who would be Mr. Angel, and what qualifications should there be for a "Mr. Team"? (59:02)