Tim Gray: The top Biohacker in the UK, hacking HRV could mean BETTER GAINS at the gym, don't just drink water ABSORB IT , Oxygen Chambers and Stem cells, get energy from the Sun, grounding and blood
*** Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renatoautore/
*** Follow Tim on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/timbiohacker/
*** Find Out More about the Health Optimisation Summit: https://summit.healthoptimisation.com/
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--- FULL DISCLAIMER: All the content and info shared in this episode, and this podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only, I am not a doctor, and the shared content through this episode and podcast DOES NOT constitute medical advice. Always consult a doctor for any health-related enquiries. ---
- Tim Gray: the greatest biohacker in the UK
- Why checking biomarkers is important for your health and to look and feel young
- How Tim is hacking muscle mass
- HRV ( Heart Rate Variability ) what is it and why is important
- HRV tanks when you are under stress or under infection, and how you can monitor it
- When you drink alcohol your HRV is out of range.
- Hearth rate Variability hacks: Exercise Bike that measures your HRV and programs exercise based on that, nose breathing vs mouth breathing, Wim Hof breathing exercises, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- Breathing and Carbon dioxide and the impact on HRV
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Stem Cells
- The impact of TRUE hydration for your body and what Celtic Sea salt does
- Fluoride in tap water and the scam around the water industry
- The 4 stages of water: Solid, Gas, liquid and EZ water
- How Sunlight charges the water
- What happens to Red blood cells while grounding
- Where do we REALLY get energy from
- How to hack your muscle gains
- Nose Breathing and Nitro Dioxide Production, Mouth taping can be a way to train yourself to do so
- Trampoline can help increase EZ water
Interesting resources related to this episode:
- Oura Ring: https://ouraring.com/
- Health Optimisation Summit: https://summit.healthoptimisation.com/
- Carol Fit Ai ( Bike ): http://carolfitai.com/
- Celtic Salt: https://iherb.co/NH6LS9q
- Trace Minerals: https://iherb.co/MGNcQ5D
One of my favourite supplements ( Affiliate Link): https://iherb.co/GhzrKQ9b
The best Biohacking Book out there ( Affiliate Link): https://store.biohackingbook.com/?aff=52
- Resources and discounts: https://sleek.bio/superyoumanpodcast