Two swamp-related comics have been released recently, so Ben heads off to the swamps to record about them.
As usual, Ben judges these swamp based comics using the following paradigm:
CONTENT – is the story good?
COVER – is the cover poster-worthy?
CREATURE – how does the creature look?
This 48-page one shot features a six story anthology of Swamp Thing tales through time, including:
* a pagan/earth-god styled creature from the Roman invasion of Briten
* a cool and maybe not too surprising creature from the time of the Spanish explorers
* a companion to a Japanese soldier from World War II
* A Puerto Rican creature that steps in to stop a plantation owner from a horrible act
* a brand new Swamp Thing, just waking up to his new identity
This was a nice surprise after the cancellation of the Swamp Thing Wal-Mart exclusive books, but the question is: is it good?
EMPYRE: AVENGERS Three Issue Mini-Series from Marvel Comics
Man-Thing has been quiet lately, unlike just recently when he was showing up all over the place. But it does make sense that he would show up in this tie-in to the major Marvel event that features plant based aliens.
But what place does a wordless, mindless creature have in an ensemble cast team book?
Again, the question: is it good?
One of these topics was a HUGE surprise to Ben. The other was sort of a let down. Which was which? Find out here!