Calling all parents...of middle...well any age. We are in throngs of our preteen/middle school years in this parenting gig. As we always say, it is getting harder. We are facing that lovely season called "tryouts". It's fun, isn't it? We aren't in the era where we rely on phone calls or heading up to the school to see if your name is on a piece of paper. We are in real-time with instant access to all that is happening. In an era where all things are pushing to be the best and where everyone gets the participation trophy, how do you coach and walk your children through "failing". How do you navigate the competition, but more importantly walk the journey of not always coming out as the number one superstar?
This week we take a real-life example happening in our household and open up the discussion. It is hard teaching kids that they will and need to fail. They have to build lifelong skills. It is heartbreaking as a parent, gut-wrenching to witness, but incredibly vital for the real world.
We would love to hear your take on this hot topic. How do you coach and wade through this journey?
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