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The Sweet Virgin Brian is a show about love hosted by someone who has never made love. Join your virgin host, Brian Inciong, every week as he interviews comedians and experts smarter than him about al... more
FAQs about Sweet Virgin Brian:How many episodes does Sweet Virgin Brian have?The podcast currently has 63 episodes available.
September 21, 2020Sweet Virgin Cinema: Alita Battle Angel CommentaryOn this episode of Sweet Virgin Cinema, I talk over everyone's favorite battle angel movie, Alita: Battle Angel!...more2h 5minPlay
September 13, 2020Sweet Virgin Cinema: La La Land Commentary TrackHey, everybody, I'm back... with a La La Land commentary! I'm still not in a head space to do a show about love but I do want to talk about my other passion: CINEMA! So let's watch La La Land together!...more2h 18minPlay
May 03, 2020Announcement: I'm Taking a BreakI'm taking a break from the show! But don't worry: it's me, not you. I explain why in this episode but the too long, didn't listen is that I feel like the subject matter of the show is irrelevant to me in these strange times. I'll be back on June 7th either with a regular episode or just a little check in. Stay safe out there, folks! Take care of each other and your mental health! I love you!...more23minPlay
April 27, 202061: Exes with Chrissy BruzekComedian, musician, and producer Chrissy Bruzek returns to the show to talk about EXES. Should you try and forget about exes entirely? Can you be friends with an ex? And how do you stop their memory from haunting you? Find out on this episode of the Sweet Virgin Brian because we for sure have the definite correct answers to all those questions!...more1h 49minPlay
April 19, 202060: Anxiety with Nigel HatchDating and relationships can be tough if you suffer from anxiety. It can make asking someone out or just telling your partner what you want feel like the end of the world. Cohost of the Unsolicited and Unqualified podcast and one of my closest friends, Nigel Hatch, joins me to talk about how anxiety affects our dating lives and how to cope with it!...more1h 52minPlay
April 13, 202059: Ethical Non-Monogamy with Arielle ZadokHave you wanted to practice non-monogamy but not sure how to go about it? Maybe you're worried about jealousy or stepping outside you or your partners' boundaries? Well thank goodness producer, performer and host of the Unplugged Creative podcast Arielle Zadok joins me to talk all about practicing non-monogamy ethically!...more1h 39minPlay
April 06, 202058: Being a Virtual Dating Assistant with Michael LuxemburgPeople go to great lengths to make dating easier but would you go as far as hiring a "virtual dating assistant" (aka a paid stranger) to make your dating profile and message people under your name? Yeah that's a real job comedian/writer/director Michael Luxemburg (Wisecrack, Party World Rasslin') did and he joins me on the show to tell me all about it!...more1h 47minPlay
March 30, 202057: Idealization with Alex WatsonIdealization is when you make something seem perfect in your head. What does that have to do with love you might ask? Come on. Don't tell me you've never thought that your crush was flawless, your ex was the only one for you, or that a relationship would make your life PERFECT. Writer/director/editor Alex Watson (Two Dudes in LA, Don't Listen) and I talk about the problems with idealization and how to stop doing it!...more1h 40minPlay
March 22, 202056: Getting to Know Your Sweet Virgin Brian III: The Covid Quarantine Live Solo SpectacularNo guest this week because the coronavirus pandemic made me last minute cancel on not one, but two guests! :( I was too depressed to learn how to remote record and book a new guest so this is a solo episode where I talk about dating while social distancing, self-love (hehehe) routines while in lockdown, and I answer listener questions asked during the livestream of this record!!!...more53minPlay
March 16, 202055: The One That Got Away with Stacia StittWe've all had relationships where we wish things would have worked out differently. How do we get over them? Or can you make things work in the end? Actor/comedian Stacia Stitt and I figure out how to grieve the ones that got away on this week's Sweet Virgin Brian!!!...more1h 31minPlay
FAQs about Sweet Virgin Brian:How many episodes does Sweet Virgin Brian have?The podcast currently has 63 episodes available.