"If you ever wondered what it would be like if Skid Row and Black Label Society wined and dined each other and then went back to the penthouse for some sweet lovemaking (I’m not sure why one would ever think of this), wonder no more because the fruits of their musical loins can be heard in the sombre yet scintillating new release by Montreal’s own, The Mother Down. Check out this video for their latest quarantine project, ‘Perfect, Imperfection’."
Cooped up in isolation in Montreal, a second album on hold and wanting to do something for the frontline works out there, The Mother Down has come up with a perfectly imperfect song!
The Mother Down: https://www.facebook.com/themotherdown/
Perfect, Imperfection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dohOAE0fjVs
Leclair Studios: http://leclairstudios.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/leclairstudios
Hosted by: Anthony 'Long Hair' Leclair & Marla 'The Mouse' McHardy
Produced by: Leclair Studios