Cezar Capacle is a Brazilian tabletop game designer currently based in Madeira Island.
Since 2016, he has dedicated his time to game design and released over 20 games. In 2022, He was a “Designer of the Year” finalist in the Tabletop Awards. CBR named him one of 10 Indie TTRPG Designers to Watch In 2022.
All his games are here: https://capacle.itch.io/
Two-Minute Warning https://capacle.itch.io/tmw
Nexalis https://capacle.itch.io/nexalis
Not a Demon https://capacle.itch.io/not-a-demon
Follow on Twitter https://twitter.com/capacle
Stoicism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism#:~:text=Stoicism%20teaches%20the%20development%20of,the%20universal%20reason%20(logos).
Alan Watts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Watts
Glasser’s Choice Theory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasser%27s_choice_theory
Ryan Holiday https://ryanholiday.net/books-courses/
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