Episode 5: What's the Avoda of Tisha B’av?In this Special Edition episode of “Tachlis, What’s my Avodah”, we get to hear from Reb Yussie Zakutinsky about Tisha B’av.It is a time of many questions and confusing practices and Reb Yussie is insightful and practical in talking about the themes of this very important day.We discuss the following topics:• Practically, how can we rebuild the Beis Hamikdash?• What is the meaning behind all the mourning and unique practices of this day?• Why do we start lightening up on our mourning at exactly the moment when historically the Beis Hamikdash began to burn?We hope you enjoy and gain from these ideas.-------------
HaRav Rabbi Yussie Zakutinsky Shlita is the Rav of Khal Mevakshei Hashem, in Lawrence NY and a major Mashpia on the lives of all who know him and learn from him. He always encourages his talmidim to recognize the deeper and hidden element of life. He teaches that all of our experiences are lessons in Avodas Hashem, and that even in the regular everyday moments, we have to constantly be asking what’s my avoda? What does HASHEM require from me? Listen in as Yakov Wohlgelernter and Reb Yussie explore various areas of life through this perspective. Each episode will examine different aspects of everyday life and help us uncover the meaning and beauty within them.
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