On this weeks episode of ADS we help out a fallen “soilder” our friend Duke Diamond @dominionseeds and we need your help. On a mercy mission to help out a patient in need Duke found himself time traveling back to the previous America before logic prevailed. Now more than ever we need to join forces and help get him unstuck from the gears of the machine that we all know are redundant and unjust. mean gene will be running the auction and if YOU have anything to contribute please contact him @meangenefrommendocino ALL proceeds will go to Duke We also have ALKI DAVID joining us again to update is on his Latest accolades. From his attempts to buy the naming rights to FC Barcelona's Camp Nou stadium Or his Naja Venom potential cure for COVID we will discuss this and more including his plans to do 5meo DMT therapies for people at his Malibu beach house. So break through to the other side and join us this fri from 4:20-7:10 MT ...we will also hear from our friend Petey from @tresor_bcn about the grand “Re-opening of the club let the Dunn deals Roll... we will get @therealcostcokevin on the line and find out about his viral video of him getting kicked out of Costco
For refusing to wear a mask ..Merica !
#sagemastaselect #adamdunnshow #iluminarlighting #seedsherenow #newmilleniumnutrients #buildasoil #greenfarmsmed #iloveincredibles #tresorbcn #fishshit #42oextractor #extractcraft #dunndeal #14er #jamesbeanmanonthescene #numbnuts #ozocoffee #DJC #dominionseeds #alkidavid #costcokevin