In their weekly podcast, Jesse Morton, once an al-Qaeda propagandist, and Matthew Heimbach, former white nationalist and right-wing ideologue, discuss the threat posed by an increasingly transnational far-right wing extremist movement. Together, they dissect the nuances of key far-right propaganda pieces and discuss how they have helped shape the constantly mutating far-right ideology and movement. By including personal experiences Jesse Morton and Matthew Heimbach hope to draw similarities across different extremist movements, encourage others not to be deluded by the extremist mindset of recruiters, and to leave extremist movements if they are actively involved.
In this episode, Jesse and Matt steer off course to discuss the pandemic, recent protests, reciprocal radicalization gone wild, and other topics that relate to ideology, politics and polarization, and how they influence and impact the far-right. We’ll resume next time with George Lincoln Rockwell’s White Power.