What is FUSION? Hear from USask Career Services lead Brock Egeto, and student intern Breanne Bevelander, to learn more about FUSION -- the Future Innovation Skills Network, and how it hit the ground running at USask.
The FUSION Skill-Development Curriculum is an interactive and engaging 10-hour online, self-study curriculum designed to wraparound and complement a student’s existing experiential learning opportunity (e.g. internship, student leadership role, research project, part-time job, volunteer placement, or summer work term). The FUSION Skill-Development Curriculum focuses on helping students enhance their skills across three critical 21st century skill domains:
Metacognition – the ability of the mind to plan, monitor and assess its own learning and performance
Communication – the ability to construct and convey a message through an appropriate medium
Problem solving – the ability to connect various analytical strategies to come up with creative solutions to manage difficult situationsWant to learn a bit more? Visit https://students.usask.ca/jobs/fusion.php#WhatisFUSION.