We are Talking Real Estate and we certainly have the market wrap well and truly
covered with our industry leaders insights. We are joined by our special guest Mr
John Roca, Managing Director and Dealer principal Sydney City Toyota and Sydney
A great Australian story, landing in Australia as a six year old
and not able to speak a word of English, John explains how his migrant
background helped shape his drive, work ethic, and persistence to succeed.
JR as he is affectionately known, has worked in the Automotive Industry for over
30 years, representing brands like Holden, Ford, Mercedes Benz, BMW, MINI, Toyota
and Lexus Australia. In fact, Roca a former CEO of Lexus Australia. Roca is ‘The’
Automotive industry leader here in Australia, the professionals professional and
also an intimate knowledge the Real Estate space.
Roca as you will hear is a born communicator, advising organisations including
Westpac, ANZ Personal Banking, OPSM, Tower Insurance, Fitzpatrick Private
Wealth, Vision Personal Training as well as Lexus affiliates in Asia, the USA,
Europe, New Zealand and the Middle East. Roca also very much the Nine Radio
Networks ‘All Things Automotive’ go to industry specialist.
Today, John's passion is to deliver industry leading results for his businesses -
Sydney City Lexus & Sydney City Toyota the largest Tota and Levus
dealerships in the Southern Hemisphere.
Roca believes a company's success comes from the willingness and culture of its
people to anticipate their customers’ needs, delivere a promise as opposed to
promising to deliver. It's a subtle difference that can only be achieved by
teams that truly care about each other and their customers, you can’t exist
with one and not the other.
John Gibson talking Real Estate with our special guest, the professionals
professional, Mr John Roca. A must listen for anyone in the real estate market
or any sales professional who wishes to learn from the best.