Fracking and its horrendous consequences continue to wreak havoc across the U.S. In response, hundreds of movement leaders, community activists and people impacted by fracking nationwide are gathering for Stop the Frack Attack Summit in Denver, CO on Oct. 3-5 to to share stories, sharpen their public speaking skills and learn about clean energy alternatives.
Talkupy welcomes Shane Davis, a.k.a. Fractivist, to the show on Tuesday, September 22 at 9 pm ET to talk about the summit, as well as his recent trip to the Bakken Shale Fields in North Dakota, where Shane took these eye-opening videos of flaring and off-gassing practices taking place there on a daily basis. We'll also discuss Greenpeace's recent revelation of "Frackademia" rearing its ugly head in Colorado.
A frequent guest on the show, be sure to check the Talkupy archives for Shane's other shows. You can find him on Twitter and Facebook. Please visit and follow @Talkupy_Radio on Twitter.