Before sobriety and dry months were trendy, Tawny Lara, also known as The Sober S*xpert, was searching for the answers about sober sex and dating. Although, there was one question that held her back from officially ditching the booze.
"How will I date, let alone have sex without liquid courage?”
After Tawny wrote a hypothesis or two about her future with alcohol, she decided to bravely explore the uncharted territory of alcohol-free dating and intimacy...through a sober experiment. Spoiler alert! This sober experiment led her to being called The Sober S*xpert by Ruby Warrington, the woman who coined the term "Sober Curious", the author of Dry Humping: A Guide to Dating, Relating, & Hooking Up Without the Booze (#1 in three categories on Amazon), writing a weekly advice column Beyond Liquid Courage about all things sober dating and relationships, a recovery advocate, award-winning podcast host and eight years sober.
I had the pleasure of learning about Tawny's sober journey and her book Dry Humping, a lighthearted and judgement-free roadmap on how to navigate the waters of sex and dating without relying on liquid courage.
The Sober S*xpert shares her TAYLOR'D TAKES on:
- booze-free outside the box (and the bar) date ideas
- ways to find pleasure outside of the orgasm
- why it's essential to crush on yourself before flirting with other people
- how to have those awkward conversations around not drinking in a society where alcohol plays the lead role in socializing and romantic encounters
- her passion to break stigmas associated with both sobriety and sexuality
- edible alcohol-free aphrodisiacs to enhance your sex life
- how growth can happen, and in some cases needs to happen, INSIDE our comfort zone
- and so much more!
Follow Tawny Lara on Instagram @tawnymlara and check out her book Dry Humping: A Guide to Dating, Relating, & Hooking Up Without the Booze
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