Benton and Abi agree to disagree about how to disagree.
In our "polarized" political climate, what value is there in a rhetoric that doesn't aim to change minds? Is it possible to embody empathetic listening while protecting ourselves from harmful views?
They discuss their not-especially-successful attempts to converse with undecided voters as the election nears, and how presidential debates aren't the right format for solving problems. Abi gives a quick rundown of alternatives to persuasion throughout the rhetorical tradition, culminating in the 2022 book Rhetorical Listening in Action by Ratcliffe & Jensen.
Stay to the end for Abi's most embarrassing high school debate experience.
Sources and further reading
Braver Angels. (n.d.). Our Mission. Braver Angels. Retrieved October 21, 2024, from
Burke, K. (1969). A Grammar of Motives. University of California Press.
Compassionate Listening Project. (n.d.). History. CompassionateListening. Retrieved October 21, 2024, from
Foss, S. K., & Griffin, C. L. (1995). Beyond persuasion: A proposal for an invitational rhetoric. Communications Monographs, 62(1), 2–18.
Gearhart, S. M. (1979). The womanization of rhetoric. Women’s Studies International Quarterly, 2(2), 195–201.
Heller, C. (2015, March 9). Life Inside Jabba the Hutt: Toby Philpott Explains How Puppeteers Operated Jabba the Hutt. The Atlantic.
Inman, M. (n.d.) "Piggers are going all the way this year." The Oatmeal.
Jarratt, S. C. (1991). Feminism and composition: The case for conflict. Contending with Words: Composition and Rhetoric in a Postmodern Age, 105–123.
Organizing and protest security culture. (2022, March). [Audio recording]. The Poor Proles Skillshare.
Perelman, C., & Olbrechts-Tyteca, L. (1973). The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation. University of Notre Dame Pess.
Quintilian. (1987). Quintilian on the teaching of speaking and writing: Translations from books one, two, and ten of the Institutio Oratoria (J. J. Murphy, Trans.). SIU Press.
Ratcliffe, K., & Jensen, K. (2022). Rhetorical Listening in Action: A Concept-Tactic Approach. Parlor Press LLC.
Talking radical politics with Dr. Ayesha Khan. (2022, March). [Podcast episode]. The Poor Proles Skillshare.
Talking Sense: Navigating relationships across political divides. (2024, September 5). MPR News.
Weil, Z., & Goodall, J. (2024). The Solutionary Way: Transform Your Life, Your Community, and the World for the Better. New Society Publishers.
WeRateDogs (Director). (2024, September 30). Tim Walz and His Rescue Dog Scout | WeWalkDogs [Video recording].
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Julius Fučík (1897) "Entrance of the Gladiators" op. 68Visit for transcript.