We're all dealing with a lot of emotions and feelings around George Floyd's death. I live in St. Paul...right next to Minneapolis...so this tragedy has definitely sickened me. The sadness and anger that I feel though is nothing compared to what people of color are feeling or have to deal with everyday. Even though I am a white woman, I didn't want to remain silent about racial equity, police brutality or the work we have to do in regards to the achievement gap. But I thought the best way to use my voice right now is to share my story and hopefully bring some awareness to other white educators that maybe haven't had to think about race. I believe we are all impacted by the inequities and ultimately we cannot thrive as teachers if we don't examine our own biases and our own racial identity. This is my attempt as telling my story.
Here are some resources that I've used that have helped me along my journey.
Other books that I would recommend:
Courageous Conversations by Glenn Singleton
Between the World and Me by Te-Nehisi Coates
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Why are All The Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria by Beverly Daniel Tatum
Can We Talk About Race by Beverly Daniel Tatum
White Like Me by Tim Wise