Encouraged by his mother, 15 year old Randy Williams (the future R DUB!) hesitantly and reluctantly applies for a local DJ job in Tucson, AZ. Feeling totally unqualified and fully convinced he has little chance of being hired, young R DUB! interviews for the job, earns it, and learns a lifelong lesson.
Thirty years later, and the rest is history. By combining his love of talking and listening to music, R DUB! has lived a life he never could have imagined.
R Dub! is the creator, producer and host of the internationally syndicated radio show, Sunday Night Slow Jams, currently heard on over 200 radio stations in 14 countries. He started the show when he was just 16 years old.
His second passion is travel: he’s currently on a mission to see all 193 countries on the planet. At the time of this entry, R Dub! has been to 147 countries. He helps bring clean water to African villages that don’t have safe water sources.
R Dub! lives and works in San Diego, California where he broadcasts Sunday Night Slow Jams from his home studio. During the day he manages two top-rated San Diego radio stations and hosts a live afternoon drive show.
He is the self-appointed Grand Leader and Sultan of The People’s Republic of Slowjamastan – an 11-acre sovereign nation created for people who love Slow Jams.
Tell Me What Happened features the music of Susan Salidor.
Get Susan Salidor’s One Little Act of Kindness Children’s Book
Get Susan Salidor’s I’ve Got Peace in My Fingers Children’s Book
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