Mindfulness is a tool to help you feel better, perform better and live better. It will make you happier, stronger and fitter. Ultrarunner, Ian Ramsey has been utilizing meditation, breathing exercises and other mindfulness practices to take his mind and body to the next level.
Ian lays out why Navy Seals, professional athletes and CEO's of the largest companies are all meditating and how to get your started implementing mindful practices into your own life.
Breathe to Perform (Breathwork)
Headspace (Mindfulness)
Insight Timer (Mindfulness)
Physiology First-Anti-Anxiety Nonprofit that Ian is involved in. Physiology First provides cutting edge anxiety mitigation tools to students around the world. www.Physiologyfirst.org
Ian’s Website: ianramsey.net
Ian’s Email: [email protected] (Reach out if you have questions)
An article by Physiology First founder David Bidler about using breath work to enhance running performance: https://trailrunnermag.com/training/breathe-to-perform.html
Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind-Shunryu Suzuki
Power Speed Endurance-Brian Mackenzie
The Oxygen Advantage-Patrick McKeown