Profit First is still a thing. Although the concept is easy enough to grasp, for some CEOs, implementation can be elusive.
In this episode, I walk you through if the Profit First system is right for you and your business, as well as - what it is (and isn’t), how to implement it, who it works best for, does it actually work...some alternatives and recommendations.
If you’d like to get my eyes on your business and get a personalized implementation plan, grab some time on my calendar by going to
Highlights of this episode:
02:15 What Profit First is
06:29 What it is not
09:00 How can it be implemented with ease?
10:45 Some questions to contemplate before implementing this type of system
13:55 Who does Profit First work best for?
14:48 Does this system actually work?
16:00 A few alternatives to Profit First and recommendations
18:45 What to skip for now and what to do instead
21:19 How can you customize to your habits and business needs
26:00 Should you use a system like Profit First at all…
Kill The Vanity Metrics Challenge
Virtual Accounting, Bookkeeping & CFO Services
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Want to chat and hangout with me, Joyce? You can find me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter…as @thecommoncents.
You can find all the links and additional show notes at: