Hey beautiful people, welcome back to our fortnight podcast - We have a packed show for you this week.
I bet you wonder 'How can I look nice?’. By being your full authentic self, of course. Feeling beautiful has nothing to do with what you look like and “pressure can burst a pipe, or create a diamond".
As you all know, image is a big thing in our industry. What is the difference between being healthy and being the size/ image the industry wants you to fit in? Find out what we say in this week's episode of 'The Actor vs Image Pressure'.
We also touch a little on BAME, social media and headshots (which we will expand more in another episode). Stay tuned and be ready for some great laughs!
'Recommendation of the day or whatever':
‘Eat, Pray, Love’ movie;
‘The Umbrella Academy’ series;
‘Who moved my cheese’ book by Dr. Spencer Johnson.OPEN MIC: 'Social anxiety' by Precious Nwaibe.
*Apologies for some technical difficulties. We have been working hard to fix these and should be resolved asap.