Alan Annis is again joined by Andrea Fryrear, Agile Trainer and Coach and Co-Founder of AgileSherpas. This time, Andrea shares the worst practices for Agile Marketing and solutions for if you're already guilty of one or multiple worst practices.
An early convert to the ways of Agile marketing, Andrea loves nothing more than seeing a team evolve from chaos to high performance. In addition to being a Certified Professional in Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC), a Certified Agile Leader (CAL-1), a Certified Scrum@Scale Practitioner, and an ICAgile Authorized Instructor, Andrea is trained as a Scrum Master and Product Owner. She shares her findings (and failures) regularly from stages around the world as an international speaker on all things Agile marketing.
Andrea is a content marketer by trade and functions best when she’s writing regularly. Her most recent book, Death of a Marketer, chronicles marketing’s troubled past and charts a course to a more agile future for the profession. And, of course, you can find her articles on the AgileSherpas blog.
If you'd like more information on Agile Marketing, or if you are interested in appearing as a guest on our show, please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website,