You would have observed how you are a slave to your judgments. These judgments are now automated - you can't really help them, can you? Since you can't really stop your judgments from coming as they please, better way out is to know how to deal with them.
Judgment is just an artificial mind condition in which you see someone or something, maybe even yourself as being better or worse than a reference point. This is not the truth but this appears to be the truth to you at all times. It clouds your mind so much that you tend to act out of your judgments only, never from reality.
Acting from judgments is living in and acting out of unreality. Reality is reality, no matter how much u judge it. It's not going to change just because you are judging it. Judgment makes you take the 'right' side and hence defines the other side as 'wrong'.
It is critical to deal with this on your own because it won't deal with it by itself.
The game that you need to play to deal with your judgments is called FACT or OPINION. Fact is almost always what is there right in front of you while opinion is what you create out of the facts. This is one of the most powerful tools that can help you deal with your judgments.
What happens behind the scenes when you play this game: When you try to confront if it is fact or opinion in an authentic manner, you will force yourself to see the whole picture.
Fact vs. Opinion may be a game that kids are made to play to understand things deeper. But it’s a great tool for everyone to practice while dealing with their judgments.