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Marie Larsen: 00:03 Alrighty. Okay. Yo, what's up? Marie Larsen here, so excited because today I get to talk to my friend Todd Gaster. Now Todd here has been doing financial wealth and going through and really helping people as a, as a wealth coach for a good chunk of time now and has helped a lot of people monetize their lives to be, what was it, 25,000 extra a month or something like that that you, that you were doing?
Todd Gaster: 00:30 I've had people do $100,000 a month extra.
Marie Larsen: 00:33 That's incredible. That's incredible. I want, so I've been dying to have taught on here because it's so fun to hear people's story of how they go and help other people make money. Now. I love making money. I think it's a fun activity. Um, but I also love finding ways that I can continue to bring value to other people and help them out. And Todd has done just that. So Tom, thank you so much for being on the show. I really appreciate it. I'm so excited to get started. Just kind of pick your brain a little bit.
Todd Gaster: 00:59 It's my pleasure, I've been watching you and following you now for a while as well, and just seeing the amount of value you bring to other people in their lives. And so I'm really excited we've finally been able to put this together.
Marie Larsen: 01:12 It's time. It's awesome. Um, so I want to jump on and I just want to hear a little bit of your origin story per se, just kind of how you got started into this whole world because it is a different world. It's not your typical nine to five. Um, and so, uh, anyway, tell us a little bit about your backstory and how you got into deciding to be a wealth coach for people.
Todd Gaster: 01:34 Sure. So a couple things on the wealth coach before I get right into the, the origin story is I don't give people are, I know how to invest in real estate. I don't give people how to do trading. I don't know. I've done all those things, but that's not what I do. I'm not a tactics guy.
I specifically work on the mindset and you hear the origin story, that'll make more sense. So I was actually working three jobs and I was working 100 hours a week and I was in the realm of the hustle and grind, you know, you just, you just gotTa Hustle, you gotTa Hustle, you just got to work, you just got to work and I had married my wife and told her how great life was going to be and all the promises and everything that we were going to make and I couldn't pay my bills.
So I had her get a second job...
So she was working two jobs. I was working three jobs. We were never seeing each other. We weren't, weren't having any time. We've had a, my five month old son at the time and we were living in our house was about to be repossessed.
Marie Larsen: 02:41 Hmm.
Todd Gaster: 02:42 And when I say repossessed, people always say, you mean for clothes? And they're like, no. Repossessed were you were living in the 900 square foot trailer. And think about those 100 hours a week for me. Eighty hours a week from her. We couldn't pay our bills. Oh, well you must have this extravagant. We were living in a mobile home.
It wasn't an extravagant lifestyle, it wasn't we were spending and crazy, it just wasn't working and the thing that I couldn't understand was I was doing everything that society told me to do. I was hustling, I was working, I was saving, I was doing all these things and it wasn't working. Hmm. And I couldn't figure out why. So of course the night I was like, all right, the only thing that's consistent here is me.
So I've got to dive into what is me and what is going on. So I really went into the personal development field and so I started reading every book I could get my hands on, you know, whether it was think and grow rich or as a man thinketh or richest man in Babylon.
Marie Larsen: 03:38 Yeah, exactly.
Todd Gaster: 03:40 I'll also have my favorite and then I went into the seminar junky and I was going to all the seminars and people said, well, if you, how, if you couldn't pay your bills, how would you get there? I sold my car at one point to go to a seminar because I knew there was something I was missing. I knew that it wasn't there. Yeah. And, and I had to go and so I always. It always cracks me up when people tell me that they can't afford to invest in themselves. I was like, I sold my car.
Don't, don't tell me you can't. You can't do it. It's a choice. And so that led me down this. All right, there's something, there's something right here that isn't quite working. And the challenge is most people don't want to admit it. Most people don't want to admit that they have a mindset issue. They, they, they'll tell you. And it's funny because everyone always says, oh, I know it's 80 percent mental and 20 percent tactics. Hey, can you tell me what the next best tactic I can use this? Can you tell me what the next shiny object is?
Marie Larsen: 04:38 Yeah.
Todd Gaster: 04:38 What we all do it because the last thing we want to say, no, I've got an abundance mindset. I know I can't pay my bills, but my. Everything's good with my mindset.
Marie Larsen: 04:46 Yeah,
Todd Gaster: 04:47 we're all good there. It has nothing to die. Oh, I did this morning. I actually wanted to call. It was a threat I was on the guy posted that is absolutely true that you can't get extreme wealth without exploiting people. And I'm like, that's going to keep you broke. That belief right there because I've identified over 100 different beliefs that people have. They keep them broke, that we don't want to admit
Marie Larsen: 05:12 what they're interested in that.
Todd Gaster: 05:16 Oh sure. You've got the standard, you know, the cliches. The rich get richer, the poor, the poor get poorer. The money is the root of all evil. Um, I mean, you know, just the standard cliche, cliche things that go on. Uh, there's also, um, yeah, so I've got these 12 questions or sentence fragments that I'll have people's fill out to get an idea of what their beliefs are. And so one of them is people with money are. And then so you need to answer the next thing.
Marie Larsen: 05:46 And I, people usually comment on that,
Todd Gaster: 05:50 oh, well, you know, you get greedy. I'm greedy is probably the most common one, but I had this one guy who said dangerous. Now it's like people with money are dangerous. He says, absolutely. And I said, um, can I ask you something? He says, what?
I said, are you dangerous?
He says, absolutely not....
When I said that, I'm guessing you don't have the amount of money that you want. Kind of stopped. And he says, what are you talking about? How? Why would you say that? I said, well, if people with money are dangerous and you're not dangerous, there is no way your mind is going to allow you to get the money that you want to get
Marie Larsen: 06:25 because you were not dangerous. I love it.
Todd Gaster: 06:33 You just gotTa understand how it is that you're thinking and what, what the beliefs are that drive that.
Marie Larsen: 06:38 Yeah. You know, and I've got to relate to your story as far as just like you're not living a lavish life or anything like that at the, at the beginning, you know, living in a mobile home, working, you know, hundreds of hours. I too, it's so funny. I had the mindset and it was all the mindset shifts for me, but I had the mindset that I just couldn't afford things right. And I'm, and I was sitting at funnel hacking live this last year and Russell Brunson stood up and said, hey, here's my two Comma Club coaching for 22 grand. Right? And I was like, that's so nice for people.
I'm so glad that they get to do that. That was literally what I said to myself. I was like, that's so. I'm so glad that people get to do that. Good for them. And my brother leaned over to me and he goes, so you're going to do it.
Marie Larsen: 07:21 And I was like, what are you talking about? He's like, are you going to do dude, I'm a college kid. Like I'm trying to pay for college right now. And he was like, he's really just. He's like, those who pay pay attention, are you going to do it? And I was like, holy crap, he's so right. He's so right.
And I freaked out and I realized that if I was going to let one little thing like money stop me from the value that would be in there to change my life, then I would be working my nine to five for the rest of my life. And it wasn't like, not that there's anything wrong with nine to fives because there are people who love their nine to fives and that's fantastic for them. But I knew that wasn't the route that I wanted to take in my life.
Marie Larsen: 08:00 And if I hadn't gone and have that complete mindset shift of more, um, oh, I can't afford it to instead saying, how can I afford this was just like, it completely changed my world now to the point where other college kids complain about, you know, spending a couple grand a semester for school and I'm over here paying thousands of dollars a month on, um, on these trainings and these coachings that I'm part of. But it's completely changed my life.
And my friends are here working at their yogurt shops and, and working, you know, for their $10 an hour job. And they love it and that's great for them, but I definitely don't have the normal college route and I know that it's because of that one moment where I decided how am I going to afford this? How am I going to make this a possibility rather than, that's so nice for people. I'm glad that they get to do that. And that completely changed my world.
Like that moment right there I can pinpoint was my mindset and I know I can afford things if I just figured out how, you know, and, and a lot of people they don't realize that. So anyways, just relating back to that story,
Todd Gaster: 09:05 it's amazing story. And as you said, what, what shifted? There was a thought. It was a belief, it was something, it wasn't a new tactic, it wasn't a new shiny object, it was just a simple change in the thought which then altered the direction of your life.
Marie Larsen: 09:19 And it completely has. It will never be the same because of it.
Todd Gaster: 09:24 So I had, I had a client you mentioned that, you know, I can't afford it. And which again is another one of those common things I can't afford it, I can't afford it and so forth. And so I had this client who was a doctor so he definitely could afford it, but one of the things he said, and it didn't matter what he was buying, if it was, you know, a purse for his wife or if he was buying a new Maserati, it didn't matter what it was, I can't afford it. And that was the belief that he had.
And so we got talking and we went through some of the processes and everything and change those beliefs. And so then when I went back and asked him the question, he says, well, I'm an excellent money manager. That's it. Okay. And if you're an excellent money manager, what does that mean? He says, then I can afford anything that I want. And that was just, again, it was just a little shift in his life, changed in the direction of where he was going because now it was from the scarcity model of I can't afford it, to like what you were saying, how can I,
Todd Gaster: 10:17 what can I do? And in his world, he's an excellent money manager.
Marie Larsen: 10:21 He can afford anything. You can't afford it. Right? Exactly. Exactly. And a lot of people think that by doing that, that means I'm over here saying, oh, how can I afford? Oh, then I'm just going to go buy all these fancy cars and all these things and stuff like that. Like, I totally can go do that. But, you know, obviously at this point, like I'm, I'm being, I'm being a good risk taker, you know, I'm, I'm doing calculated risk.
And that's really what the entrepreneurial world is, is learning how to take really awesome calculated risks and run with it and just hustle the crap out of it. Right? Like you just go with it. Um, and it's true.
And so, and just going through and really figuring out what specifically your mindset is, what the big thing is that stopping you from being financially successful. It's not, you know, you can't blame your boss, you can't blame whatever, like it's playing those other things. It's gotta be, it's totally on you to make that mindset shift and figure out specifically what your thing is that, that makes you so that you can't afford things. Right or in your mind that you can't afford, should say. And that's totally, it's totally a thing. So
Todd Gaster: 11:26 I had a mentor of mine, he talked about the mindset shift in just the change in beliefs. And so, you know, my, my group as well, we brought, we've all gone through this. Yeah, I remember there was a time where I was like, man, if I could just make $5,000 a month, if I could just make $5,000,
Marie Larsen: 11:41 my goodness, it would be amazing. Yes.
Todd Gaster: 11:47 And then it became 10 and then it became, and then it became 100 and, and then it was just like, oh my. And so I was out, you know, again, I'm out in Newport beach, Corona del Mar and everything out here in California and we were walking around and I was looking at some of these, you know, $20, million, $25,000,000 homes and everything else, man, that is awesome.
And I happened to be with a, with a friend of mine and a mentor colleague, a Sofa Guy we were talking about beforehand often that we're making movies with.
And I was like, that would be great, but it's just not something that's going to be in my cart. It was $25,000,000 home. He looks at me and he goes, it's just paper and pennies. And it was again Dane. He's right. It's just paper and pennies. And, and so it was another shift in the thought that I had and that drove, drove my direction, my thought that I couldn't afford this $25,000,000 homes. And most people, maybe they don't want a $25,000,000 home. And that's fine.
Marie Larsen: 12:48 I didn't want that.
Todd Gaster: 12:51 No, whatever you want you want, but don't limit yourself to whatever it is. So if you want your dream car is a Toyota, awesome, but don't limit the reason that your dream car is a Toyota is because you don't think you can afford something else.
Whatever it is, I don't care what it is, but don't use the scarcity or don't use a belief or something that limits you to what, what your aspirations are. Go out and get them and if they're, and if they're working nine to five, like you said. Awesome.
Marie Larsen: 13:19 Great. Fantastic. So going off that, I had a, I had a friend recently who got pitched on like a $9,000 coaching experience, right? For like a year. And um, and she came to me and she was like, can you believe that? She's like, no, she's like, that was bad business, bad business to even pitch something like that.
And I looked at her and I said, but think about it this way. I said, I completely disagree with your comment, but um, if you were to invest $9,000 into this situation scenario and get 50 grand out of it, would that be worth it to you? And she was like, well, yeah, I mean 50 grand like at that, that's like 40 grand, 40 grand that I got up. And I was like, exactly. Now if you invested 18 grand into something and got a, I don't know, 100 grand out of it, would that be worth it to you?
Marie Larsen: 14:14 Would that change your world? You will. Yeah, it totally would. And so I had to kind of look and I said, well obviously you have to really study it out and make sure that you know, what you're getting into is good and correct and they're not scamming you, but, um, but you really do need to really imply and make sure that you understand that it's all about the mindset shift of is this going, is this valuable thing that I'm about to invest in?
If it makes me more money, will it be worth it? You know? And, and, and it was a funny conversation because she kept saying, well it's bad, business is bad business that they were pitching me on something like that. And I said, you're absolutely wrong on that. And he said, I totally have made the choice with minutes to spare to do coachings and stuff like that that have caused me lots and lots of money.
Marie Larsen: 14:59 And, and it's completely changed my world. Now I'm this little college kid. And at the time when I started doing these coachings and getting into it, the first time I purchased a coaching thing, I had $78 to my name right. And I was as poor as they come. You know, I, I seriously, I was, I was so bored and I was paying for college, I was paying for books.
So is, you know. And I was trying to do social things as a 22 year old kid does and it was, there was so much and I had $78 to work with to start a business. And I had to completely change my mindset because it was no longer, oh, you know, maybe this would be a good idea. It's like I have to do the side of survival at this point, you know? And I, and I had to survive.
Marie Larsen: 15:39 And it was a mindset shift that I changed my, changed my life. Um, but, but it completely, it was, it was a hard shift. So when people jump on and say that's bad business to do that, I laugh over it because that's not bad business. That's them forcing you into survival mode. If you really want to work then then you can, you can hustle, you can make it work, but you, you definitely have to figure out your mindset shift.
And what is the big reason that you're not going to pay for that. It's not because it's not going to be valuable to you, it's because you're putting this demeaning thought that it's not going to be good for you or something like that. Right.
Todd Gaster: 16:15 Funny you mentioned that because there's several things. If you think about that $9,000, if she would have been invested in the stock market. Okay. And that $9,000 even only became $10,000. She would have been telling everybody how awesome she was. If it became $12,000, she'd have been telling everyone she is a financial genius. If it would have doubled the 18,000, she would have been in the streets dancing, celebrating what, you know, everything that she got out of this, out of this windfall, but that's investing in the stock market versus investing in herself and see there's these things that we have. And this goes back to the mindset. We categorize money, we categorize money that we worked for a that we get in a job versus money that is awaiting fall versus money that is a gift versus money that. And based on how we categorize this money that came in, we have different ways that we'll use that money.
We have different ways that we will, uh, how we can spend it. And also this is right. You know, like when the tax returns, people spend their tax returns three times. Hey, you know what I'm getting, I'm getting a refund here for $1,200, right? I can buy this big screen TV. And then they'll go over, hey, I'm getting this, this refund for $1,200. Let me buy that couch. And they'll spend it three times and then they'll figure out what happened to my money.
Todd Gaster: 17:38 Yeah. And so here's, here's one of these, these little nuggets we have mental accounting and how, how we do things. So let me ask you, if you go into store, let's say you're going to go get yourself a new iphone. Okay? There you go. There you go. And you go into, you go into the store and once there it's no $500. We'll just pick a number of Nice, nice and easy. $500. And now the beauty of the age that we live in, you can go on your current phone and you can find if there's a better price round. Okay?
And you find out that down the road is the same iphone for four slash 75. Do you go, do you go get the iphone or not? Do you stay where you are and pay $500 or do you drive down the road and get it for four slash 75?
Marie Larsen: 18:33 It depends on who you are as a person, but I would to like drive down the road.
Todd Gaster: 18:36 All right. So you would go down the road. That's fine. Now let's go a little bit different. Let's say you are going to buy a car. Okay. And you go in to buy the car and it's $15,000. We're going to. We're going to go with those cameras and stuff. Were those Toyota's where you're talking about a minute ago, it's $15,000 and you get on your phone and you see a dealership down the road. It's $14,975. Do you drive down the road or do you stay where you are?
Marie Larsen: 19:12 It's only $25 difference.
Todd Gaster: 19:16 So here's, here's again and, and you know what? Ninety nine percent of the people answer the same way because in their mind it's a different percentage, but $25 is $25.
Marie Larsen: 19:28 It was $25 in the first one and it was $25 on this one. One you would drive for because the percentage of for 75 versus $500 a is a more of a percentage than $15,000 versus. But it's still $25 and these are the little things that we do in our mind. It's the same thing when people are talking about growing their business and they're talking about facebook ads. It's the same thing when you're talking about all the world.
Should I use Google ad? Should I do this? Twenty $5 is $25. But we have this mental accounting that comes in, changes how we actually operate.
Marie Larsen: 20:06 Well, that is so interesting and it's the percentage there. I mean, that's what really threw me. And the same thing goes with this is now interested like as you've, as you've gone through. And let me wrap this back. I want your, I want this audience to understand why you decided to become a wealth coach. Now that in a lot of sense can sounds scammy to people that can sound, you know, there's a lot of things that go into it. Um, what, what did you, what thought process did you have and what mindset shifted? You have to go from being in your, you know, 100, a hundred hours a week, you know, to changing your mindset. And, uh, and deciding that a wealth coach was what you wanted to go into.
Todd Gaster: 20:56 It was interesting. I've never had this in mind. I, this was never the plan. I never thought I was going to be coaching other people. I was an entrepreneur at heart. I open, you know, I, I opened my first business at 17. I had issues, like I said, then I ended up with the three jobs and, and so forth. But I, I've always been an entrepreneur. This wasn't what it was going to do. Uh, I've, I've owned a dog training centers, I've owned pet stores, I've owned a coaching businesses. I've owned, I mean, excuse me, all kinds of different things. And so with me, what ended up happening is I needed to fix my own life. My, my, I was 320 pounds. Um, so I, I had stressed myself, I became a stress eater. I stress myself out so much. I was drinking heavily because I was working 100 hours a week. You know, what I deserved to go out and blow off some steam.
Marie Larsen: 21:52 Yeah. So I would go out three, four nights a week for hours. There you go, there you go.
Todd Gaster: 22:02 And in some, some workout, some eat, some, you know, there's, there's all kinds of ways. And so my relationship with my wife was of course a shambles. We weren't seeing each other just because of the work. But then you add in the money stress, then you add in the fact that, hey, I'm going, I'm not coming home, I'm going out. And uh, so it just continued on. And so, and even got to the point where my wife men will be men. It'll be 26 years that we've been married in November.
Um, but we were, we'd gone over two years without sex. There was no, there was no connection, there was no just, it just was what we were doing. And, and you know, whenever I mentioned that I have people, I can't believe you talk about that, why it's truth, it happened and it happens more often than people want to admit.
Todd Gaster: 22:46 They don't want it. They don't. It's like most people have issues with intimacy and their relationships and they don't want to deal with it and since they don't want to deal with it that they don't end up talking about the symptoms and the causes and everything, and so that's where I was, so my whole focus was I've got to fix my own life.
I'm not thinking about you. I'm not thinking about anybody else. I got to fix my own life. And when, when I started making these shifts, of course people started noticing, they noticed there was a difference because here's another thing that again, people don't talk about is we have social contracts with everyone.
You have a contract with your brother, you have a contract with your father, you have a contract with your friends and based on these contracts it people are expected to know, act a certain way, and when you start growing, you changed the contract.
Marie Larsen: 23:35 It makes people uncomfortable. It makes people uncomfortable because this isn't the Murray. I knew who I'm I grew up with. This isn't the thing is that I'm a part. You've changed
Marie Larsen: 23:47 literally what I'm struggling with currently as far as it's, it's, it's awkward and hard to be a college kid who's supposed to be out plan and you know, was just goofing off and everything. But I'm over in my room, you know, typing away and building a sales funnel. Right? And, and people are like, where are you? We would seeing you, you know, you're, you're not the same marine. What's going on? You know, and Oh, you're doing podcasting stuff. That's awesome.
And it's just like, yeah, that's what I'm doing and I'm enjoying it. And uh, and they were like, anyway, it's exactly. This is exactly what I currently am struggling with and my audience is listening to this. They're going to laugh because I've jumped on several times and said I don't feel relatable to people at this time.
And, and it's hard because you want to relate because that social contract, exactly what you're talking about, that social contract is shifting and they don't understand that it's a shift that I have to grow and I have to keep going and if they're going to accept it or not, like that contract will either break or it will continue on, but it will have to change a bit.
Marie Larsen: 24:51 And so it's so hard to be relatable to people at this time when my friends are out, you know, doing crazy things and I am wanting to sit here and make money, you know, and it's. And it's hard and it's different but it's hard to be relatable in a situation, in a situation like this where everyone is doing the same thing and I'm trying to pull against the crowd and my social contracts are changing like crazy because of it.
Todd Gaster: 25:16 Let me pull it up. I had a chat with someone recently and I want to make sure I quoted correctly. Let me find it here. I had a former client reach out to me if they have. They haven't worked with them in, in a year or so, probably longer. Um, but anyway, let's see here. And I was talking about the social contracts and so she was, she, she said, I'm crazy how my life now is so damn great financially, but I feel all I have is my husband and daughter who truly want me. And, and let's see here. Uh, I've told you several, uh, whereas it
Marie Larsen: 25:59 in Wa Watch, can you flourish? Has Been Awesome. She says, I saw your video about your dad, um, which, you know, I do live videos from time to time and she said, so I know you understand how hard it is dealing with family. I said that I do. And then she said, it's so true what they say that it's lonely at the top now I couldn't just let that go. Yeah, that, that's, that's a story. That's just a whatever. And I said, now you just have to find different people. I said, I'm surrounded by friends.
And then I talked about the social contracts that we were just saying. They said we all have social contracts that we made with people and when we change, we break those contracts. When that happens, people get pissed and jealous, so we create new contracts with people who want to see us succeed and that. And that's really what it is. It's not, it's not lonely at the top.
It's lonely at the top because you broke all those contracts with the people who don't want to go out and put the work in that don't want to go out and expand that don't have the same vision that you have.
Marie Larsen: 26:54 Right?
Todd Gaster: 26:55 So you go out and you create new contracts with new people who were there supporting and excited and wants you to move and that. And that's what it is. And like you said, you know, you, you, you have a different environment
Marie Larsen: 27:07 and
Todd Gaster: 27:08 you still have the same vision, the same mission, the same purpose and direction that you're doing. So now you just got to find the people that fit into that vision.
Marie Larsen: 27:15 Absolutely. Which is difficult because the situation I, I physically am still here. It's not like I've left the scenario, so I totally understand that, but I'm, but I'm grateful for the good people who have been willing to change their social contract with me a little bit. Um, so that allows me to grow and are still wanting to be friends because of it. Right? But the ones that are just like, you know, Sianora Sia, right, those, those are the ones that aren't worth sticking around for anyway because they're, they're not, they're not, they're not there to help support you and grow.
And so that's been a, a harsh lesson within this last couple of months is trying to figure out how to befriend and people who want to and can be, um, but that they have an understanding heart and I have an understanding her and you know, that we're trying to work like that anyway. It's just the whole, the whole situation and scenario. The social contracts are real thing and it's lonely at times to change your social contracts for the purposes of wealth
Todd Gaster: 28:18 and take it, take it takes, goes back to that risk management you were talking about earlier, but it takes, it takes guts. And, and because as you said, is, it, is, it can be lonely. It can be, you know, people don't understand your vision and people don't believe your vision. Absolutely. And they're just, they're just waiting for you to fail so you can come back to the old Murray that they knew
Marie Larsen: 28:43 and beg for our original social contract. It makes me laugh because I, um, I had some friends a couple months ago when I was really hitting it hard, um, and starting to hit it hard that were making fun of me, you know, at times because of it. And there, you know, if they're listening to this so they know who they are, but there are kind of, you know, making fun of me and stuff like that. And then months later they see the, I've actually, I've actually done something, you know, and I've created something and they're coming up. And, you know, assuming up, hey, maybe we could, you know, go get lunch sometime and talk about your stuff. And I was like, weren't you the one that was making fun of me this whole time? Oh, well I'm not interested. You can pay for my coaching if that's the case, you know? And they're like, well, no, you know, we're, we're friends, you know, and it's like, it doesn't work like that.
Todd Gaster: 29:35 I appreciate the thought and here's the link to my coaching.
Marie Larsen: 29:38 Yeah, here's the link to my coaching upon to
Todd Gaster: 29:42 pay for it now. But in some words that you mentioned, and I think this, this, this is where most people, most people really don't understand what it is that I do, uh, which, which I love.
Marie Larsen: 29:56 I can attest to that too.
Todd Gaster: 30:09 See there? Yeah, it's this, it's this magic thing, you know, um, but see, most people, when I talk about wealth, most people think I'm talking about money
Todd Gaster: 30:16 right
Todd Gaster: 30:17 now. Money's a part of wealth. I'm talking about body. Where are you in your body? Are you wealthy in your body, your fitness? Where are you with your nutrition? I'm talking about where are you with your being, where are you with your spiritual connection, where are you with your, your, your vision, your mission,
Marie Larsen: 30:41 not just off of the financial stance.
Todd Gaster: 30:44 It's not. And, and so, you know, where are you in your relationship? So when we're talking about balance, where are you with your, your relationships that are important to you, and then where are you in your business? Where are you in your bank account? And so it's this whole process that gives there, which is why if you go and look at all my testimonials, none of them mentioned money.
Marie Larsen: 31:04 Yeah,
Todd Gaster: 31:05 they talk about I'm enforcing boundaries. I'm happier than I've ever been. Um, well there are some that mentioned money but, but you know, I've lost 30 pounds. I've been able to get out of a toxic relationship. They talk about all these other things which are part of becoming what you will never become wealthy. You will never make a bunch of money if you don't have the other stuff. So what it is I talk about is the habit all lifestyle. They have it all. No, do do all of these things.
Marie Larsen: 31:36 Yeah. You know, and it's, it's really interesting. I was sitting at, I'm Alex charfen event a two months ago up in Boise and Alex Charfen has done really great things and he's awesome. He has the billionaire code and I'm sitting there and he had gone through. He was like, make sure you're drinking enough water. And I was like, why are you talking about that? And then he's going to use like making sure you're exercising. I was like, why is he talking about this? I'm here to learn about money and then you go about this and he's going through this entire list of things.
And I sat there and I was like. And then at the end he finally talked about money and I seriously, it hit me so hard and I was like, if I'm not doing well physically, if I'm not doing well mentally, if I'm not doing well, you know, just overall in general in my life, creating relationships that are going to be lasting and really taking care of those.
Marie Larsen: 32:24 If I'm not going through and really a nurturing other parts of my life. Why in the world would I be able to nurture my finances, you know, and so it was a good, again, another mental shift that I had and I said, I'm more to listen to a man like that about money who is going through and helping me improve my overall life rather than just someone who says, here's the magic button that puts an extra 200 grand into your bank account just by living right?
Like those of people that doesn't work, you know, but instead having someone who really cares about you as a person and your wellbeing and who you are, those are the people that are gonna help you not only create a financial success but success in other ways as far as you know, your, your wealth status of, uh, your whole life.
Todd Gaster: 33:13 Yeah. I've got a six month coaching program that we're talking about and I tell people the first two months, all we're going to be doing for the first two months is clearing out the old stuff. Getting rid of the things that are in the way holding us back in all areas of her life. The next two months we're going to start building the runway, so the first two months were clearing the runway. The second two months we're building the runway and then the last two months is when we're going to take off. Now the interesting thing is people start making money, making more money way back up here in the first month.
Marie Larsen: 33:47 Yep.
Todd Gaster: 33:48 I tell them, that's not our focus. That's not our plan. That's not what we're doing until we get to these last two months, but it's a byproduct when you start feeling better, when you start understanding yourself, when you start, when you eliminate the belief that people with money are dangerous, it automatically changes your decisions that that shit. It just changes your decisions.
It doesn't mean you are all suddenly became a better closer. It doesn't mean you became all of a sudden a better you hustle more. It just changes your decisions which changed your context and you know everything that we do, so we we have these results that we want.
Whatever the result is, I don't care what it is or the results that we're getting and this result appear is based on the actions that we take right here. So these actions are a direct result, you know, or are directly change our results. Now, the actions though are determined down here by the amount of potential that we tap into. We all have them unlimited amount of potential. But here's the fun thing. What determines the amount of potential that we tap into is over here. And that is our beliefs,
Marie Larsen: 34:59 right?
Todd Gaster: 35:00 So our beliefs determine the potential, the potential determines the actions, the actions then determine the results. Now the funny thing about this is our results often to determine our beliefs.
Marie Larsen: 35:08 Yep.
Todd Gaster: 35:09 And so it becomes this circle the circle. So if you want to change it, you got to change your beliefs and nobody wants to talk about that.
Marie Larsen: 35:16 Nope, that's it.
Todd Gaster: 35:18 Eric. I need a better funnel. I need to give me another template. Let's me let me do this, or no, I know what it is, is it's my email copy. That's what it is. No.
Marie Larsen: 35:28 Which you will need to change those things, but there are definitely, those are things that can help you in a financial aspect. Um, but making sure that you have your beliefs changed as far as you know, who you are and what you're able to accomplish. Will you, it will become clear what you're supposed to be changing, you know, it will become clear what you should be changing just because you decided to improve yourself first.
Todd Gaster: 35:52 Yeah,
Marie Larsen: 35:54 absolutely. Awesome. Hey, well we're probably going to wrap up. You're saying is this seriously been like, guys, this has been so awesome. Make sure that you go follow todd gaster and like literally everything that he's doing. He has amazing coaching.
He just has so much stuff he's accomplishing so he's already accomplished so much. He's going to continue to accomplish a lot. So make sure that you jumped on what is the best way for people to like get in contact and if they found value in this, I mean I found value in this for ways that they can jump on. Find your coachings. Fine. Your social media a. We list those out for us here.
Todd Gaster: 36:27 Yeah, it's real easy. You know instagram. Oh, you can find me on facebook. God gaster. Everything's really easy to find me on twitter. Twitter, twitter is a little different. It's my wealth coach. Switch it a little bit there, but really I think what would be beneficial for people is everyone. Everyone talks about where they want to go, right.
I want to get here and so if I took you to a city, there was. You didn't have a map. There was no street signs, there was nothing and I told you I want you to get to x. could you get there? And people will say, well, you know, yeah. I get people say, yeah, I could get there this. Well eventually you may get there. If you go knock on door door, door door, you may figure it out, but see if you don't know where you're starting, there's no way you can get to where you're going because you may have already been there.
Todd Gaster: 37:24 So you've got to know where you're starting. And then once you know where you're starting and where do you want to go there, there's a gap in between. And you close that gap. So what I have is an opportunity for everyone to see where they're starting, if they want to get true with themselves. So if they go to escape the matrix, there's a free assessment there. It's not even an optin.
You don't even have to opt in. You can just take the, take the assessment and see where you are and see where you are now after you take the assessment, you do have an opportunity to book a call with me and we can chat about it. But you're just go see where you are. Just be true and honest with yourself. See, the thing is, it's not a goal to make it worse than it is.
Todd Gaster: 38:11 It's not a goal to make it better than it is. It simply see where it is. And so when I coach people is, you know, let's say they want to lose weight or they want to make more money.
I don't care where, what, how much you want to make, but we need to know where you're starting. So how much did you make in the last month? Well, you know, somewhere around here, how much did you make the class more? I don't care what the number is. We just need to know the number and that's the same thing with this assessment. I don't care what assessment says, we just
Marie Larsen: 38:36 need to know where we're starting so we can find out where we're ending up in the process to get to get to that part or you get to get to the end. Right. I love it. Hey, thank you so much. This has seriously been there has been so much value in this. I'm so excited.
We'll make sure to tag in everything in the blog, guys that you can jump in and find this stuff. Uh, if you can't find them easily online, there was another resource for you there, but then you so much todd for everything. Really appreciate it and we'll probably have you on here. Again, this was serious value bombs and thank you again. Appreciate it. Thank you again for the opportunity. Yeah, for sure.
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