Right from the jump we are treated to a story of how Nikola Danaylov, aka Socrates, ripped the co-founder of Skype a new one because they forgot the RECORD button, and Yann was like… i gots 100 millions dollars, not my chair, not my problem.
We have some nerd listeners, cough, hi mom, cough cough, so we spent some time covering terms. ANI, AGI, ASI, Technological Singularity, Fermi paradox, y’know… the usual
Ai Ethics. When should your locked up, sandboxed Oracle AI get rights as a sentient being? Spoiler: we dont know.
Oh… Nikola Danaylov looks and sounds like a bond villain. For realz. Super nice guy!! Looks and sounds like a bond villain.
We go deep on AI, because obviously
Also talked podcast tips, since we’re still pretty much No0bs. Podcasting/Blogging tips from Socrates
Nikola Danaylov is OBSESSED with Green Octopi, thinks the Beatles – Yellow Submarine might be to blame.
Briefly discussed the EM-Drive, because i am an expert.
I am not an expert.
But you can find all reasonable links HERE, its my way-too-long blog post about all things EM-Drive that basically no one but God (ahem voiced by Greg Smithwick) cares about. Don’t click on this, it’ll just encourage me to obsess over topics and write more.
“Idiocy and Brilliance are roomates” – Danaylov
“Maybe Moores Law should be more about price/performance than the number of transistors you can fit on the head of a pin?” – Corey… im so witty… oh so witty… ahem. What?
“I am really worried about a world where 90% of all nuclear weapons are in the hands of Putin and Trump” – Danaylov
“Its all fun and games until you divide Poland down the middle” – Corey
People (most of these are linked to Singularity 1 on 1interviews!!
Jann Tallinn – No longer his Skype Chair, not his problem.
Roman Yampolskiy – AI systems engineer, focusing on what the actual fuck we should do, we are FAN
Ray Kurzweil – Father of the Technological Singularity Theory?
Peter Diamandis – Singularity University, X-prize, other stuff
Kevin Kelley – Inspirational thinker and writer, intentional user of tools
David Brin – Killer Sci-Fi writer, Uplift series is TIGHT
Calum Chase – Great AI writer, also now my buddy on Twitter… that a thing right?
Greg Bear – Sci-Fi writer dude
Noam Chomsky – Intellectual Rabble Rouser and PooPoo-er on my optimism
Aubrey De Grey – Cross between Rasputin and Jesus that might kill death.