Welcome to the first episode of Season Nine of the Bagley
Wright Lecture Series on Poetry podcast. Season Nine is comprised of lectures written and delivered by
Lisa Jarnot during her tenure as a Bagley Wright Lecturer.
Lisa Jarnot’s autobiographical lectures are an intimate, uncompromising, and generous glimpse into a remarkable life in poetry. Throughout these talks, Jarnot explores what it means to be a woman in a male-centered experimental
tradition, to have white privilege and to write poetry. She examines the prophetic tradition in American poetry as inflected through counter-cultural spirituality, investigates the generative tensions at the intersections of formal and informal, traditional and experimental; develops relationships
between ‘deep gossip’ and ecstatic connectedness; and asks, finally, what does it mean for the poet to act as prophet in envisioning a new heaven and a new earth.
Today we'll hear “White Whales, White Males, Whitehead,”
given October 7, 2020, in partnership with The Poetry Project, via Zoom. There are two brief moments where the recording goes fuzzy. Transcriptions of those moments are below:
~40.18: "I was the perfect candidate to catalogue that collection."
~54:00 "'Whoever swears by the sanctuary is bound to nothing, but whoever swears by the gold of the sanctuary is bound by the oath.'"
Lisa Jarnot’s book based on her BWLS lectures, Four Lectures, is forthcoming from Wave Books, and is available here.
Visit us at our website, www.bagleywrightlectures.org, for more information about Bagley Wright lecturers, as well as links to supplementary materials on each lecturer’s archive page, including selected writings.
Music: "I Recall" by Blue Dot Sessions
from the Free Music Archive