Today we have Erika Milanka, founder of the heysisters_21 community, here to talk to us about how she balances her many responsibilities holistically. Erika is a busy woman - she works full time, takes care of her family, is a university student and so much more - but she has found a way to keep everything in balance. She attributes her success to her holistic approach, which takes into account her mental and physical health, her relationships, and her spirituality and she's going to share some of her tips with us today. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the chat!
The following are some key takeaways:
Using the grounding technique 54321 as a guide
Practice saying no as much as you can
Spend some time in nature
Setting aside a specific amount of time for me on a daily basis
Guest Informationย
Name: Erika Milankaย
Founder: heysisters_21
Instagram: @heysisters_21