Dr. Joe Manfredo talks about his time with Dr. Begian, provides literature suggestions, and discusses his research and publications in the area of band history and the undergraduate conducting curriculum.
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Joseph Manfredo is a retired Associate Professor of Music for the School of Music at Illinois State University. At ISU, Manfredo was the Coordinator of Music Education and taught undergraduate courses in instrumental music education. In addition, he was the coordinator of the student teaching program.
Originally from the Chicago area, Manfredo received a Bachelors Degree in Music Education from Eastern Illinois University, where he studied clarinet with Dr. Earl Boyd and piano with Dr. Catherine Smith. His graduate studies included a Master of Arts Degree in Instrumental Conducting from EIU and a Doctorate of Music Education from the University of Illinois. During his doctoral residency, Manfredo was awarded the band conducting internship to study with the legendary Dr. Harry Begian. In addition, he also studied with Gary Smith and James Curnow.
Professor Manfredo is in constant demand as a guest conductor, clinician, and adjudicator. He has conducted various All-State Bands and Honor Bands throughout the United States and Canada. His collegiate bands have been selected to perform at national, regional, and state conferences. Since August 2011, he has been conductor of the Festival Band for the Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Festival.
Manfredo has presented lectures and clinics at the Mid-West International Band and Orchestra Clinic, national conferences for the National Association for Music Educators, College Band Directors National Association, National Band Association, the Instrumental Music Teacher Educators Biennual Colloquium, and the Conn-Selmer Institute. He has made presentations at state music conferences in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Ohio, and Texas, and internationally in China, Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Portugal, and Brazil.
Manfredo has published journal articles in the Groves Dictionary of Music, Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Journal of Band Research, Music Educators Journal, Journal of Music Teacher Education, The Instrumentalist, Illinois Music Educators Journal, and the Alta Musica series. In addition, he was asked to write The Conductor’s Manual for the Essentials of Musicianship series published by Hal Leonard. He also serves as the chief editor of the MitteilungsBlatt, one of the publications for IGEB, the International Society for the Promotion and Investigation of Wind Music; and he is on the editorial board for the World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE).
Dr. Manfredo is a member of the Advisory Committee for the Midwest Clinic. He was the recipient of the 2015 Mary Hoffman Award for Teaching Excellence by the Illinois Music Education Association. Also, he was the 2013 recipient of the Outstanding Bandmaster Award by the XI Chapter of Phi Beta Mu (International Bandmasters Fraternity).