Welcome to Barbecast 74! This is our super-special playoff preview podcast in which 30% of this 2+ hour long marathon is anything resembling a playoff preview. We have two special guests this week. Our first special guest (at 15:00) is Jeff Passan, MLB columnist for Yahoo Sports and PLAYOFFS EXPERT. We pondered a bevy of playoff-related questions with Jeff, including:
Which playoff team is most surprisingly in the playoffs?When does everyone start freaking out about the Cubs possibly winning the World Series?How can the Cardinals lose?How can the Blue Jays win?Why did Jeff think it was a good idea to call us when he was in an Uber?What is Jeff's book about?Why is Todd Coffey the subject of Jeff's book?Can Jake throw a 1,000 Pitch Bullpen?...and more!Our second special guest (at 56:52) has been on the Barbecast before, but we decided to bring him back on to talk about some recent controversial happenings in the major baseball league. It's John Baker! Topics include:
Papelbon vs. Harper, and whether fights like they had actually happen all the time (hint: they don't)The time Wes Helms (!!!) almost fought Hanley Ramirezthe idea of "protecting" players who have been hitthe amazing Jose Ramirez pimp job and its aftermatha fantastic story about 19-year-old Prince Fielder pimping a home run against John's team in the 2003 Midwest League John's most egregious bat flip when he was playing at Cal (also a fantastic story)being in Spring Training with Frank Thomas and Mike Piazza...and more!After John (at 1:36:42), we participated in yet another B-Ref Battle for the ages, including a player who the tallest pitcher in baseball for over 60 years. For Tales from Logdog with Lana Berry (at 2:03:51), we called Lana immediately following her beloved Rangers' epic collapse against the Angels on the penultimate day of the season and invoked the memory of the great Carlos Garcia (Seriously, go listen to it). We conclude this audio voyage (at 2:13:45) with our own playoff picks (the Nationals are gonna win it all!!11!1) and a somewhat somber Varsity Baseball Update. Thanks for listening <3
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