Gamification is everywhere. It can be used personally, professionally, and even by big-time celebrities like Taylor Swift, who gamify their content. So what is gamification? Anesa Doyle and Joel Weik explain it as implementing gamified components into non-entertainment contexts, such as therapy, work, studying, and many other areas where you can clearly define goals and objectives and provide feedback and reinforcement.
Gamification Components:
Narrative – Break down content into a story or narrative using units, characters, and other elements beyond the task at hand.
Empowerment – Create excitement through reinforcements such as streaks, leaderboards, milestones, etc.
Scavenger Hunt – Encourage close attention by hiding details in the content with keywords, passphrases, and images.
Competition – Provide opportunities for competition, even against yourself, by tracking data to beat your speed or increase your scores.
The BDS modules include a variety of gamification components to encourage and empower participants as they work through the study process. Success is measured by module completion, enjoyment, social sharing, and, ultimately, BCBA exam pass rates.
Whether you're an employer or a practitioner, gamification is a useful tool. Joel and Anesa sum it up: the baseline for gamification is determining what behavior you want to increase and which reinforcement components would motivate and be feasible for those you're targeting.
Don’t forget, this episode is gamified, so be on the lookout for two code words we mention in this episode for access to a special gamification resource!
What’s Inside:
- What is gamification?
- How can studying with the BDS Modules be gamified?
- Using gamification components to increase and change behavior.
- Who and where can gamification be used?
Get your badge...the quest continues: if you caught the 2 secret codes, that is!
Mentioned In This Episode:
Behavior Development Solutions