In this episode, we talk about starting a business with your spouse, the challenges of all the multiple hats freelancers have to wear, moving abroad multiple times and working across culture.
Our guest is Dominique, co-founder of The Werks and we had so much fun talking!
Do you know that feeling when you start something new? I really loved Dominique's take on this: there are indeed many similarities to how moving abroad feels like, or even speaking a new language. Do you agree?
Let us know in the comments section.
Have you ever considered how a sense of connection is so linked to our sense of belonging? Jump in to (28:37) for Dominique's thoughts and listen to Fiorenza and Dominique discuss how it's easier to belong somewhere when you know who you are (34:45).
Make sure to not miss out Fiorenza's and
Dominique's best tips on changing career at the end of your thirties (35:30).
(01:01) - Moving country, from Austria to the Netherlands with two sons, the grieving process and saying goodbye
(06:24) - A journey towards self-employment, and being in business with your spouse
(12:40) - What has surprised you the most about having your own business
(17:53) - Learning to write content can be a skill that can be learned
(21:18) - Working across cultures that are not your own
(24:08) - What would be your hot tips for people relocating for the first time
(28:37) - Connection, self-knowledge leading to Belonging
(34:45) - When you know who you are,
it's easier to belong somewhere
(35:40) - Questions to ask yourself
ahead of deciding for a career change
If you'd like some support about your next career step, we've compiled our most effective exercises and strategies into a Career Handbook. You can access it here:
🔗Connect with your host, Fiorenza Rossini here
and your guest Dominique here.
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