This week, the final installment, Chapter 19 including: The snow storm
brings Ottawa to its knees; the Government House Leader pulls a fast
one; the call goes forth for MPs to brave the storm and make it to the
House for the mini-budget vote; Angus and Andre Fontaine share a wild
ride to Parliament Hill; Angus writes in his diary.
Comments are invited right here on the blog or send me an e-mail to [email protected].
Thanks so much for listening. It's been a thrill for me to podcast my
humble novel. Your comments have been very generous and encouraging.
I'm grateful.
I will keep blogging as I continue down the road to publishing The Best Laid Plans.
At this moment, it seems that the novel will be available online at
Amazon and Chapters-Indigo in the summer. I will keep you all posted
here on the blog. Thanks again, it's been a blast.
The great music featured in the podcast is by Jon Schmidt and is called Winter Serenade. It is available from the Podsafe Music Network. My friend Roger Dey
provides the voice that opens the podcast. The photo at the top of the
blog page was taken by, and is used with permission from, Mr. Ron