gentlemen what's going on....he went to jareds....bah dah bah bump bump i'm loving it
these commercials with the viagra, the insurance and the white picket fences
aim to create a mythical world that allures then enslaves....
we've all been sold a deceptive idea,,,hoodwinked into buying ourselves into some
form of debt
Maybe it comes packaged in the form of a relationship...or you open up your life gift
and find that its a suffocating cubicle next to 100 other wheel spinning mice....
and for some reason and one that often eludes the unsuspecting man
.......we keep opening these something new is gonna pop out...
but inevitably these gifts are the proverbial sweater that great grandma
sends through the mail each christmas....
or if your like me a fucking globe....
yeah one christmas the cousins were getting hats, footballs and nfl jerseys
while i got the earth spinning on a stick....
and so like grandma the world keeps selling us the new standard....they wrap up
their agenda and sell it to us in the name of keeping up with the jones
the elite are the producers and the sheep are the consumers
now let me ask you the innate nature of man called to fall in line and buy
the next shiny diamond for the unshining and ungrateful woman....... and work himself to death
for the will of another mans dream
and the answer is HELL NO....
but the word WILL is what i want to expound upon here
see the producers have a WILL/ a desire/ a motive to create something that
locks you down, and secures your devoted following
they produce new shiny objects and we've been taught to ignorantly
follow like a dog chasing his tail
HOW EXCITED we are to be in debt for a new car.....a new home....a new wife...
and when in moderation and with consideration
and within your means... THESE things can be pursued and are not inherently bad...
but a man should always ask himself and with serious contemplation.....why am i chasing this
am i the dog chasing my tail......pursuing something that will always be out of my grasp
let me put this in the simplest terms
the world consists of producers and consumers
the producers have power and the consumers are controlled
and the nature of man is to create,,,,and ultimately to create HIS produce his existence
a life that doesn't follow the new and misleading trends of society
man is to get lost in his dance ,his unending flow.....
you know that zone of determination where everything else fades
when we lose time in our hobby, our passion....hours go by and we fail to notice
because we are in the damn man zone....
but the world loves to disrupt any free thinking and foot tapping of man to his own song
because a free man is a hard man to corral and control
this man does not surrender to the will of any other.....but produces his own will
he burns up the packaged sweaters of modernity and starts gift wrapping the will to create
his own damn life...
and what a beautiful fucking package that is to open...
because this gift of man...this goes beyond any definitive rule
it never states you have to be married by 30 to be a man
it doesn't declare you have to have kids to be a man
it never commands you to be less than and surrender your true character
the gift of mans will power....invites him to be whoever the hell he wants to create
and when a man gets lost in his zone,,,his flow,,,thats when his highest hopes are realized
he stops chasing the dog tail of a meaningless rat race....and begins pursuing the...