This episode is all about learning how to find your confidence, to trust yourself unapologetically and how to communicate your value to other people. You can find both Vera Okojie & Simone Ruzario on LinkedIn, and follow @thelashedbyvee on Instagram. Also, follow BWP on Twitter @bwpsouthampton & @blackwomensproj, and on Instagram @bwpsouthampton & @theblackwomensproject
Here are some journal prompts to help you trust and value yourself that little bit more:
Name at least 3 things that you know you do well
Create a bank of times you have used these skills to help you prepare for applications and interviews (These examples do not have to be in professional settings per se; something as simple as proof-reading a friend’s essay in a subject different to yours demonstrates flexibility and the ability to pick concepts up quickly.)
On a separate page, name at least 3 skills that you want to develop, and how you could begin to develop them
What are your values? What is important to you?
Do you trust yourself? What prevents you from trusting yourself?
What do you need to start believing in order to trust yourself more?
When was the last time you rested guilt-free?
When is the next time you will rest guilt-free? Meaning, when will you set out time to do something you enjoy, irrespective of how much you accomplish during the day?