Down the Rabbit Hole is produced and hosted by Tim Lea, a seasoned Blockchain professional and author of the leading Blockchain book, "Down the Rabbit Hole: Discover the Power of the Blockchain". The Podcast series has been designed from the ground up to provide corporate executives, business people, entrepreneurs and financiers with insights and analysis from within the global Blockchain ecosystem, to help them understand :
- How Blockchain technology is being used in practice
- How to deal with the challenges and opportunities of adoption
- How new ideas are being developed and sold - in practice.
- How the underlying trends from the ecosystem will affect the very future of business itself, especially where Blockchain technology is combined with other upcoming technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IOT).
This will enable our audience to understand how Blockchain technology works in practice and to enable them to see how the technology could be applied strategically within their own organisations to solve real commercial problems.
In order to do this effectively, "Down the Rabbit Hole" is broken down into two core underlying structures :
- education, analysis and commentary
- interviews with Blockchain professionals working with the technology at the "coal-face".
By adopting an educative approach, in plain English, and by aiming for the highest quality, our aim is to make "Down the Rabbit Hole" a primary, ongoing, go-to podcast series for blockchain-based technology and beyond.
Podcast Series Structure The "Down the Rabbit Hole" Series is being broken down into Seasons. Each Season will comprise 10, 30-40 minute episodes and based around a common theme. Season One will explore :
How Is the Blockchain de-coupling from Cryptocurrencies? Following an 80%+ fall in the value of cryptocurrency markets in 2018, concerns are being expressed from many quarters as to the true and fundamental value of so many cryptocurrency-based projects. Equally, the language of Corporates is returning to the traditional mantra of "Return on Investment", where the benefits of Blockchain technology can be used to solve actual commercial problems corporates are facing.
Risk mitigation is in the very DNA of corporates. Many do not want to work with decentralised structures, the very essence of so many cryptocurrency projects. Decentralisation means corporates have little control. Instead, we are seeing the increased adoption of private, permission-based blockchains - in the similar ways intranets were built in the dot-com era.
We are at a pivotal point in the adoption of Blockchain and its relationship to cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrencies need Blockchain but the Blockchain doesn't need cryptocurrencies.
Season One of “Down the Rabbit Hole” will explore this evolving narrative and will explore how this is likely to be further affected by the upcoming Security Token wave.